"Mr. Mooney's Seymour became someone the audience was really rooting for - showing clear transformation over the course of the show from shy nerd to more confident (yet conflicted) botanical superstar."
Joseph Harrison
"Seymour (a talented Steven Mooney who reminds of Josh Gad – casting directors take note: he would be perfect for the role of Elder Cunningham in The Book of Mormon). This Seymour is a little stockier than most and a bit more able to stand on his own two feet."
CT Arts Connection
Lauren Yarger
“Steven Mooney is William Barfee, an oversized uber-nerd who is obsessed with winning. He is hysterical in the Magic Foot number. He spells out each word with his delicate footwork…There are several stand out musical numbers, including, my favorite, Magic Foot… “
Di Saggau
The Island Sun
“Dr. Hubert Bonney (Steven Mooney) adds greatly to the humor. His quick imitation of Al Jolson, using a walker for a prop, brought down the house.“
Di Saggau
The Island Sun
"Steven Mooney (as Seymour, the poor schlub whose discovery of an exotic plant brings him fame, fortune and a chance at the girl of his dreams) and Emily Kron (as co-worker Audrey, said girl of said dreams) realize that this show demands that they be very funny and also sing very well. They don't let the shtick get in the way of Menken's exquisite melodies, brazenly belting their romantic duet 'Suddenly Seymour.'"
Hartford Courant Christopher Arnott
"Mooney gives the audience just the right touch of the bedraggled soul who grasps at his one chance for success, an opportunity that merely requires that he feed the plant. As his character “blossoms,” Mooney shows he has a strong bent for physical comedy and knows how to deliver a song."
CT Theater News and Reviews, Geary Danihy
“Steven Mooney stands out as the wild-haired, adenoidal William Barfee, who spelled out words with his ‘magic foot.’“
Drew Sterwald
The News-Press
“Mr. Mooney plays his character as a baby-faced innocent, a real mensch...I was in hysterics when, dressed as the hospital’s matron, he accidentally dropped one of the balls that constructed his massive bossom. Ad-libbing, he then centered the one remaining ball to represent both breasts. At one point, he wails, ‘I’ve lost track of what I’ve been covering up!’- a line that not only brought on a big laugh, but vindicated my mother’s stance on fibbing. And he drew great laughter every time he burst into song and dance.”
Nancy Stetson
Florida Weekly
"Steven Mooney proves to be an ideal Seymour, looking a little unkempt and awkward, but he grows more confident throughout the show, and he has a thrilling singing voice. His rapport with the rest of the company is absolutely wonderful."
Talkin' Broadway
Zander Opper
"The ensemble of actors playing smart, self-aware, and socially inexperienced pre-teens is first rate, but I especially liked Mooney's sardonic Barfee."
Frank Rizzo
Hartford Courant
“Each speller has something for the audience to identify with- be it lovable misfit Olive Ostrovsky or confident William Barfee (perfectly cast Steven Mooney)”
Chris Silk
The Naples Daily News
“Steven Mooney, as the stand-in dad, Dr. Hubert Bonney, is absolutely terrific as he plays it for all it’s worth, making him an affable second banana.”
Marsha Wagner
The Sanibel-Captiva Islander
"Mooney’s appealing performance as Seymour deserves attention. His transformation from an awkward, be-speckled misfit to a self-assured man of the world is highlighted in his duet with Kron, the show-stopping “Suddenly Seymour.” His other duets with Buzzerio, the tango-inflected “Mushnik and Son” and with Audrey II “Feed Me” are comic highlights."
In the Spotlight
Stuart W. Gamble
"Mooney threaten[s] to take the crown as audience favorite...Mooney gets laughs every time he has to adjust his ill-fitting short pants or spell out something in his sinus-condition-afflicted voice."
Sunday News
Stephen Kopfinger
“An exceptional Matthew Edwards (Dr. David Mortimore) and Steve Mooney (Dr. Hubert Bonney) make a dazzling comic team - their timing together and apart couldn't be better... Mooney's prosaic Dr. Bonney gets caught up in a scheme to conceal Mortimore's illegitimate son - and finds himself in all sorts of situations. At one point, he whips through a ragtime number (with a walker instead of a cane) to cover up some silliness - and that's the least crazy thing that goes on. A scene where he undresses Kelly Legarreta's matron ("You interfered with me just now!") leads to some of the night's loudest screams of laughter... Truly, audiences might not be able to hear the lines over the laughter. Edwards and Mooney lead a superb comedic ensemble and you never know who'll come swinging through any one of the various doors.”
Chris Silk
The Naples Daily News